Science Curriculum

At Woodley Primary School, we recognise that science is a significant part of daily life and it is interwoven into everyday experiences. Therefore, we teach the scientific enquiries alongside our units of work as it teaches children to think, learn, problem solve, make decisions and question effectively.

Science is a subject, where we at Woodley, aspire to develop enquiring minds, where every child can aim high and be ambitious. Children are taught how to be resilient and confident when learning. All of these skills are integral to every aspect of a child’s education and life.

PoP Quizzes (Proof of Progress Quiz) are used at the beginning and end of each unit of work to ensure that the children reflect on their prior learning and vocabulary, set their own goals and recognise the progress they have made.

To reinforce taught concepts Woodley provides rich and varied opportunities for the children to be involved in, where links to other subjects can be made, providing a broad and balanced curriculum.

We achieve this by inviting visitors into school, organise Science Fairs and STEM weeks and also plan exciting, engaging lessons to encourage the children to think critically and flourish in today’s world.