School Council


The School Council at Woodley Primary School was formed when the former Woodley Infant School and Woodley Junior School amalgamated in September 2004. We adopted “Show Respect to Earn Respect” as our Council motto.


We aim to incorporate the views of people from all areas of school life. Our School Council is made up of a group of representatives who are elected by the children of the school. Each KS2 class elects two members of their class as their representatives. KS1/Foundation Stage is represented by the previous year’s Year 5 Council members, now in Year 6. All staff are emailed prior to meetings to see whether they wish to attend or add something to the agenda.


School Council meetings are half-termly. These meetings take place after school, at 3.20pm, usually on a Thursday evening. The meetings last for around an hour. Permission slips for children to attend meetings and arrangements for getting home at the end of the meeting are obtained. Before the full Council meetings take place, the representatives hold class meetings to find the issues that the class want to raise. An agenda for the full Council meeting is then circulated and items discussed at the meeting. A child is elected to chair the meeting and another to take minutes. After the meeting, the minutes are circulated. Representatives report back to their classes/key stage on what has been discussed and decided at the full council meeting, keeping the class well informed and noting any proposals for future meetings. All important issues from the meeting are reported in an assembly led by Miss Greenslade and members of the School Council.

Charity work

School council help to organise and run a variety of events in order to raise money for activities in school and for our chosen charity which is currently The Alzheimer’s Association. 

School Development Plan

The School Council makes a contribution to the annual School Development Plan, reporting on their achievements of the previous year and their action plan for the new school year.